Emails to Mother
Shabbat Shalom to you, too, Mama!!
Yes, I am ok! We have 2 grocery stores in the area, and the food is pretty good – I have everything _ need. We are all working together very well here, i think.
I am allowed to do yoga by myself, just not teach. So, sometimes I do secret classes by the river.
And people are nice and clean. The owners (and Christine) are the only ones that are messianic, and they have been distancing themselves from us because they’re afraid. So, we get less preaching and more freedom!
The kiwis (the New Zealanders call themselves kiwis) are fearful in general, and they have been influencing the owners to be fearful, too. They keep hinting that we should check with the embassy and go away.
But I think our little group is really enjoying this lockdown! We have fun yom shishi dinners, we’re making little projects, and we’re working together well.
I am trying to eat everything that I need, and i feel healthy. I made a nice curry today, with pumpkin and red lentils and coconut milk.
Really, it’s ok here. I have power, because I’m old and I have a car, and people like me. I can go if I need to, but I actually enjoy being a part of this group.
Thanks for your thoughtfulness! If I do escape, I would of course appreciate help with the hotel, but so far, so good.
Nobody here really belongs in new zealand, so we are all here for each other. I’m making friends! And I was productive today – I mended all the holes in my clothes – so I feel extra-fancy.
My Hebrew is getting better! I can usually understand the 7-year-old boy. Ok, maybe half the time I understand him, but I’m learning!
And the peaches on the tree in the backyard are starting to get ripe. It’s a good free spot.
I’m really looking forward to Passover. Everyone is getting excited! We’ll have to make matzah, since they don’t sell it in the grocery stores. I heard someone practicing a pesach song on the guitar this morning. It’s going to be a fine celebration!
I feel lucky to have a foot in both worlds – the Israeli and American. I have adjusted to the way things are here, and I’ll be ok. I hope everything is good with you! Lots of love, X
On Sat, Apr 4, 2020, 7:57PM, Mother wrote:
How is doing my Darling? Are you safe? Are you healthy? What do you eat? Enough of the protein? Do you still forced to eat with a group of 22 strangers of questionable hygiene?
I wish you could get out of them before the Passover because they will force you to the Seder until the after midnight! OH! I am so worried! Have a nice day, Love, Mother